Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Can Just Shove Your Guest Post

Well, not You, you. Them you. No, I'm not drunk, however my mango juice may be going bad and i'm wondering if, like rotting fruit, it now has some alcohol in it.

The Guest Post Offer You Need To Say No To
I keep saying I'm going to tell y'all about this and then the avalanche of "shit to-do" hits me and it doesn't happen.

Life is busy.

Sometimes we get overwhelmed. Like me trying to design 7 WordPress themes in 7 days...who the hell was I kidding? It's day 5 and I've only

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Can you go from blog to business?

Are you capable of running your blog as a business?
In my post "Why not turn your blog into a business?" I chatted about our natural marketing power as bloggers and asked these questions:

Are you posting on a schedule?
Are you promoting your posts?
Are you building strong relationships with other bloggers?
Are you sharing your expertise, your experience, your tips?

And as I mentioned, if you're already doing these things, you're well on your way.
How I run my blog as a

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Secrets, Sisterhood and Blogging Selfishly Again

My Dirty Little Secret
Would you believe it if I told you I have 9 websites.

Yes, nine. It was 11, then I added a new one 2 days ago and took down 3 today. Those were three of my eight niche marketing sites. No personal branding at all. There are 5 left. As the income slows down from them, since I'm not paying much attention to them, I'll take them down. I should put up more, as this is what other niche marketers do, but I don't want to be a niche marketer, I just wanted to experience how

Secrets, Sisterhood and Blogging Selfishly Again

Business 2 Blogger